Saturday, February 25, 2006

What love really is...

I'm taking advantage of my position as "owner" of this blog to deliver another one of those serious moments. Yesterday on NPR, I heard one of the most touching stories I've heard in a long time. It's a part of NPR's Story Corps programs and is about an aging couple, Danny and Annie Perasa, who live in New York.

They have been the darlings of the Story Corps program since they shared the story of their first date in 1978 at one of the Corps recording booths in 2004.
If you click here, it will take you directly to the page with the Perasa's story. At the top there is an icon that says "listen" which will allow you to listen to yesterday morning's broadcast. I highly, highly recommend it. There is also a photo gallery of the couple, as average as any couple could be.

At the time of their most recent recording, they'd been married for over 25 years and, Danny was suffering from terminal pancreatic cancer.
Sadly, after yesterday morning's airing of the story at around 9 a.m. ET, Danny died in his sleep at about 2:30 p.m.

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